Sultanlar LigiManşetLigler
Olesia Rykhliuk, Galatasaray HDI Sigorta’ya veda etti
Son olarak Sultanlar Ligi takımlarından Galatasaray HDI Sigorta’da forma giyen Ukraynalı pasör çaprazı Olesia Rykhliuk, sosyal medya hesabından yaptığı paylaşımla Galatasaray HDI Sigorta’ya veda etti.
Olesia Rykhliuk’un paylaşımında şu cümleler yer aldı:
“It’s always hard to say good bye but the time has come…
In this club I met many nice people and found a good friends and I will miss them a lot…
I will miss also our loyal and most involved fans that I have ever seen… Fans are the real extra player of the team and they were missed so much during this season.
I’m leaving Galatasaray club but the part of my heart will always belong to this team.
Başarılar Cimbom! 💛❤️
#galatasaray #cimbom”
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